Our Story

Turn on some music, pour a glass of wine, hand over a sketch book, and we can create just about any solution. That combination is what inspired Oakley and Hyde back in 2020. Named after our first apartment on the crosspaths of Oakley and Hyde Park, where we loved to daydream and design.

Our story is a perfect illustration of how two passionate creatives combined their skills to serve others.

We are firm believers that life and love
are worth celebrating.

  • Owner/Artist/Designer

    Even from a young age I have loved creating unique spaces. At the time that was sketching imaginary designs and rearranging my bedroom (sorry mom). Later I discovered the art of visual storytelling and pursued a degree in graphic communication design at Cincinnati’s D.A.A.P program. I fell in love with taking a story and communicating it through visuals.

    Now I work with businesses across industries to develop and implement their brand both online and in physical spaces. I take a similar approach to residential projects as well, using our client’s style as my guide.

  • Owner/Builder

    After receiving Tommy John Surgery while playing collegiate baseball I needed to stay busy over the summers. So while in a sling I started building furniture, probably wasn’t the best idea to be using power tools while rehabbing, but it took my mind off the game. I soon grew a passion for creating things. Deep down I always wanted to go to school for architecture/interior design so it all worked out in terms of bringing out my creative side. After meeting my lovely wife and seeing how talented she was we both thought it would be a great idea to share our passions with the world creating art, furniture, and designs for others!